Dreaming of an unforgettable adventure in Kenya or South Africa?



Here’s your chance to make it a reality!
Join us for Triplonia’s Client Week where you can win a breathtaking trip to Kenya or South! ️
Here’s how it works:

  1. Reserve your slot by with N100,000 only
  2. After payment and confirmation, the client will receive a confirmation of payment along with registration number.
  3. Join us at Maitama, Abuja between 29-30 March, 2024 ️
  4. Benefits: all expense paid trip to Kenya or South Africa

Other perks include fun, music, refreshments, amazing travel giveaways and delicious meals and refreshment. You’ll also meet and network with top travel industry experts

For more enquires, contact 07034278398 // 08139668820 or send a message on WhatsApp.

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